Friday, August 27, 2010

Yesterday I did some yard work and that did me in for the day. I don't know why it did either. It was lovely outside, not hot and humid, that's why I did yard work. Anyway I had a splitting headache and sore neck so I took a long nap.

I've been working on one of my novels for the last couple of days.

The other day Kent did his laundry and washed and dried a ballpoint pen. The pen exploded in the dryer and left the drum in a mess. We've been trying different methods to remove the ink. The one that seems to work was rubbing the drum with nailpolish remover...worked like a charm. Then you wipe the drum with warm, soapy, water and run the dryer for 30 minutes with nothing in it.

The clothes on the other hand one of which were a pair of tan work pants look like they've been tie dyed. Home remedy didn't work. I told Kent to pick up some OxyClean and we'd see how that worked. His clothes are soaking as I write this. They need to soak 1-6 hours. Then you wash them.

The above two pieces of this journey I did today. Kent worked on the dryer for two days without a lot of success.

Right now Kent and Heather are both at work. Brian is here with me. Heather plans on taking him to Leigh Ann's at 8:00 p.m. He will be going back to Pittsburg over the weekend. School starts for him next week, so he'll be with his dad.


  1. Old fashioned hair spray in a can works on ball point pen. The exact same thing has happened to my dryer as well. D'oh!!

  2. We tried the hair spray (I had aquanet) on the pants and it didn't do squat. I had Kent pick up some oxyclean and that helped alot.
