Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm dragging my wagon right now. It's all I can do to keep my eyes open. I had a culinary experience tonight that was odd. I thought I had put out a piece of steak for stir fry, but when it thawed it wasn't steak but hamburger. So we had hamburger stir fry and it wasn't all that bad.

I worked a little more on my novel and played a few games online. I knitted a little (while I watched Jeopardy) and then did dishes. I'm pretty much ready for bed but we'll probably play a game of mahjong before that happens. We been trying to play a game every night so we can learn it.

I'm signing off now. Goodnight Mrs. Kalabash wherever you are. Goodnight John Boy, goodnight Mary Ellen....Okay I'm done.

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